Laughter is the best medicine !!!!
Laugh ! Laugh ! and Laugh !
This is the best mantra to stay fit and live longer and that
most of the doctors also would advise you to do every day. Laugh out loud or
LOL, remember this phrase. You must have heard of it while chatting with your
friends. They say that laughter is the best therapy that can relax your muscles
and relieve your stress. In addition, laughter is also good work out for your
abdominal muscles and your heart. It is set to be believed that there are 80
muscles that are used when you laugh, which increases the blood pressure and
your heart start to beat faster. In a study by German gelotologist, Professor
Gunther Sickl, it has been revealed that one-minute of laugh has the same
health benefits as a 45-minute gym workout. When the laughter stops, the blood
pressure returns to normal and stress hormones are reduced - actually
strengthening the immune system. Says Deepak Chopra, “Laughter is definitely a
healing experience, and we're not talking metaphorically, we're speaking
absolutely literally. Laughter is one of the best medicines you can have”. Often,
you laugh when you are happy but interestingly, laughter also makes you feel
both happy and healthy. It also releases various stress hormones, such as cortisol,
epinephrine, dopamine and growth hormone. Unfortunately, it is believed that as
compared to children, adults laugh only a 15 times a day.
So, the next time you need a workout, just relax and have a
hearty laugh – it not only exercises the diaphragm, contracts the abs and even
works out your shoulders, respiratory, facial, leg, and back muscles, leaving muscles
more relaxed afterward.